


If you’re facing construction or maintenance projects that require you to work above ground level, you’ll need a boost. Depending on your worksite and the nature of your job, you may want to consider a boom lift or a scissor lift.


Boom lifts move horizontally and vertically, whereas scissor lifts can only move up and down. While boom lifts attain a greater vertical reach, scissor lifts have larger platforms with higher weight capacities, enabling them to carry multiple people along with loads of material.


We’ll explain the main differences between boom lifts and scissor lifts to help you choose the right equipment for your next project.


What Is a Boom Lift?


A boom lift is a piece of lift equipment that elevates a worker in a small bucket or on a compact elevating work platform. This type of aerial lift features a grounded base and hydraulic lift system.

零排放电动臂式高空作业平台可在室内或室外使用,而柴油或双燃料臂式高空作业平台则设计用于室外。电动升降机的高度可以从8米延伸到30米,而柴油驱动的升降机可以从8米一直延伸到64米。它们的液压臂具有更大的机动性,有些型号可以 360 度旋转。

Zero-emission electric boom lifts can be used indoors or outdoors, while diesel or dual-fuel boom lifts are designed for outdoor use. Electric lifts can extend from 30 to 60 feet high, while diesel-powered lifts can go from 30 feet all the way up to 210 feet. Their hydraulic arm allows for greater maneuverability, and some models can rotate 360 degrees.


Here are some pros and cons to choosing a boom lift for your construction or maintenance project:



  • 可以延伸到很大的举升高度。

  • 重量轻且狭窄,适合在狭窄区域使用。

  • 机动性极强。

  • 适用于各种项目,包括:

    • 管道工作。

    • 外部清洁。

    • 维修项目

  • Can extend to great lift heights.

  • Highly maneuverable.

  • Lightweight and narrow for use in tight areas.

  • Good for a variety of projects including:

    • Piping work.

    • Exterior cleaning.

    • Maintenance projects.



  • 较小的平台或篮筐限制了它的承载能力。

  • 平台通常只能容纳一名工人。

  • 通常比剪刀式升降机的价格更贵。

  • Smaller platforms or buckets limit how much it can carry.

  • Platforms typically have room for just one worker.

  • Typically more expensive to rent than a scissor lift.


Types of Boom Lifts



These lifts — also known as man lifts, aerial lifts, or cherry pickers — come in three primary varieties: articulating boom lifts, telescopic boom lifts, and bucket trucks.

曲臂式高空作业平台— 节臂使这些升降机能够绕过拐角和障碍物(例如外墙)弯曲。当在拥挤的仓库中存取物品或绕过外部工作场所障碍物时,非常方便。

Articulating boom lift — The “knuckled” arms allow for these lifts to bend around corners and obstacles, such as exterior walls. This can be useful when accessing items in crowded warehouses or in moving around exterior worksite obstacles.

直臂式高空作业平台— 它们没有曲臂式高空作业平台的接头,而是配备了伸缩的直臂。这些可用于需要长距离的桥梁工程等项目,或可能需要更高高度的高层建筑的维护工作。

Telescopic boom lifts — These lack the joints of an articulating boom lift and are instead equipped with straight arms that expand or contract like a telescope. These can be used for projects such as bridge work, where a long reach is needed, or for maintenance work on highrises, which may require greater height.

车载臂式高空作业平台— 这种类型的升降机是附有液压起重机的车载式高空作业平台;它通常用于树木修剪和公用设施线路。它们也被称为樱桃采摘机,因为它们经常用于果园工作,但它们也可以用来修剪桉树和棕榈树等高大的树木。

Bucket truck — This type of lift is a truck-mounted aerial platform attached to a hydraulic crane; it’s often used to access trees and utility lines. They’re also known as cherry pickers because they’re often used for orchard work, but they can also be used to prune tall trees like eucalyptus and palms.


What Is a Scissor Lift?


scissor lift is a piece of equipment with a large, flat aerial work platform supported by a series of crisscrossed braces. These braces squeeze together to push the platform upward. The base of the scissor lift needs to sit on flat, stable ground directly beside the workspace for the project to be accessible to those on the lift.


Scissor lifts can extend from 10 feet up to 60 feet high in a straight vertical direction. They’re available in electric versions that can be used indoors and are ideal for providing vertical access so you can stack or unload inventory. They also come in four-wheel-drive, rough-terrain models that can navigate uneven outdoor ground areas.



  • 大平台可承受更大的重量。

  • 剪刀式设计可以增加稳定性。

  • 可选适用于室内或室外2种型号。

  • 通常比臂式升降机的价格便宜。

  • Large platforms allow for heavier weight capacity.

  • Scissor design can add stability.

  • Come in models that can be used indoors or outdoors.

  • Generally cheaper to buy than a boom lift.



  • 无法达到动臂式高空作业平台所能达到的最大高度。

  • 没有臂式高空作业平台灵活。

  • 必须直接放置在工作区域附近,才能准确抵达作业点。

  • Cannot reach as high as the greatest heights reached by a boom lift.

  • Not as maneuverable as a boom lift.

  • Must be placed directly adjacent to the work area for best access.


Types of Scissor Lifts



Scissor lifts come in a number of variations, based on their intended use and how they’re powered.

电的 Electric

  • 非常适合室内使用。

  • 可在狭小的空间内操纵。

  • 零排放;有利于环境和封闭空间。

  • 安静的。

  • Ideal for indoor use.

  • Maneuverable in tight spaces.

  • Zero emissions; good for the environment and enclosed spaces.

  • Quiet.

柴油机 / Diesel

  • 比其他类型的剪式举升机动力更强。

  • 可以承载更多的工人和材料重量。

  • 用于处理崎岖地形的四轮驱动升降机。

  • More powerful than other kinds of scissor lifts.

  • Can carry more weight in the form of workers and material.

  • Used for four-wheel-drive lifts equipped to handle rough terrain.

液压 / Hydraulic

  • 使用油缸中的液压液体来提升负载。

  • 通过简单培训即可掌握使用方式。

  • Use hydraulic liquid in cylinders to lift loads.

  • Good for use by workers with minimal training.

气动 / Pneumatic

  • 利用气压来升高和降低平台。

  • 零排放;适合室内使用。

  • 经济,因为它们耗电量非常小。

  • 适合较小的项目。

  • Use air pressure to raise and lower the platform.

  • Zero emissions; good for indoor use.

  • Economical because they use less power.

  • Good for smaller projects.


Boom Lift vs. Scissor Lift


When thinking about what kind of lift to rent, take stock of what kind of job you’re doing, where you’re doing it, how much power you need, and your budget. There’s a big range in the price for renting different types of lifts, whether you’re looking at boom lifts or scissor lifts.


Here are a few factors you can consider:


【1】How high do you need to go? 


Boom lifts, in general, can give you access to areas that are higher up, while scissor lifts can be a good choice for areas up to 50 feet high, depending on the area where you’re working.


【2】What direction do you need to move in?


 If you need to go straight up and down, a scissor lift could be a good choice.


【3】How many workers are involved?


Boom lift buckets have limited space and typically accommodate single workers. Scissor lifts can often accommodate more workers and have a higher weight limit.


【4】What is the jobsite terrain?


Rough terrain scissor lifts and boom lifts, powered by diesel fuel, can be effective on uneven or rocky terrain.


【5】What is your budget?


Boom lifts can range in price from RMB 50,000 to RMB 1,000,000, depending on how big they are and what they can do. Scissor lifts are generally cheaper, ranging from RMB 10,000 to RMB 100,000.


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