剪叉升降机必须有护栏 Scissor Lifts Must Have Guardrails 根据OSHA 标准 1926.451,员工必须检查剪叉式升降机是否配有适当的护栏系统,以防止工人坠落。如果护栏系统状况不佳,则必须在操作过程中使用额外的防坠落装置,例如安全带。 According to OSHA standard 1926.451, employees must check if a scissor lift has a proper guardrail system in place to prevent workers from falling. If a guardrail system is not in adequate condition, additional fall protection devices must be used during operation, such as a safety harness. 为了防止坠落事故,员工应该: To prevent fall accidents, employees should: 操作剪刀升降机之前,请检查护栏系统是否到位。 只能站在工作平台上,切勿站在护栏上。 保持工作物在容易触及的范围内,以避免倾斜离开剪刀式升降机。 Check to see that a guardrail system is in place before working on the scissor lift. Only stand on the work platform and never stand on the guardrails. Keep work within easy reach to avoid leaning away from the scissor lift. 剪叉式升降机操作前必须稳定 Scissor Lifts Must Be Stable Before Operating 大风、坑洞、斜坡或被其他物体或机器撞击都可能导致剪叉式升降机不稳定并翻倒。ANSI 标准MH-29-2020规定,员工必须确保剪叉式升降机稳定,并防止任何潜在危险。 High winds, holes, slopes, or getting knocked by another object or machine can cause a scissor lift to be unsteady and fall over. ANSI standard MH-29-2020 states that employees must ensure scissor lifts are stable, protected from any potential hazards. 要稳定剪刀式升降机: To stabilize a scissor lift: 选择表面坚固、水平的工作地点,远离可能导致不稳定的危险。 仅在天气良好且风速低于每小时 28 英里的情况下使用室外剪式升降机。 请遵循制造商的说明以确保安全移动。 Select work locations with firm, level surfaces, away from hazards that can cause instability. Only use outdoor scissor lifts in good weather conditions, with wind speeds that are under 28 miles per hour. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for safe movement. 剪叉式升降机必须正确定位 Scissor Lifts Must Be Positioned Correctly 如果放置不当,剪叉式升降机可能会翻倒或撞到其他机器,从而导致挤压和触电事故。OSHA 标准规定,您必须小心地将剪叉式升降机放置在空旷且有足够的操作空间的区域。尤其是在电线上工作时,电流可能会从电线产生电弧或跳到升降机或工人身上。 When positioned improperly, scissor lifts can cause crushing and electrocution accidents if they're tipped over or bumped into another machine. OSHA standards state that you must position scissor lifts carefully in clear zones with plenty of room to operate. It's especially when working on electrical lines, where electricity can arc or jump from the power line to the lift or worker. 定位升降机时需要注意以下几点: Here are some things to be aware of when positioning the lift: 当剪叉式升降机靠近工作现场的障碍物(如固定物体、移动车辆或其他设备)时,请务必小心。 实施交通管制措施,防止电梯使用时工人和车辆靠得太近。 选择距离电源(如电线、变压器、其他电源等)至少 10 英尺且不会造成其他高架危险(如其他公用设施、树枝、门框、悬垂物等)的工作地点。 Be watchful when the scissor lift is near obstructions on the job site, like a fixed object, moving vehicle, or another piece of equipment. Implement traffic control measures to prevent workers and vehicles from getting too close while the lift is in use. Select work locations that are at least 10 feet away from power sources (like power lines, transformers, other electrical sources, and so on) and that don't pose other overhead hazards (like other utilities, branches, door frames, overhangs, and so on). 剪叉式升降机必须定期维护 Scissor Lifts Must Be Regularly Maintained 根据 OSHA 的规定,为了防止机器的任何升降装置倒塌或发生故障,应定期检查剪叉式升降机。这可确保剪叉式升降机的所有部件均正常工作且维护良好。 According to OSHA, to prevent any of the machine's lifting mechanisms from collapsing or malfunctioning, scissor lifts should be regularly inspected. This ensures all parts of the scissor lift are working properly and are in good repair. 为了确保您的剪叉式升降机维护良好且使用安全: To make sure your scissor lift is well-maintained and safe to use: 每次使用前测试并检查控制装置和组件。 确保护栏系统处于良好的工作状态。 确认刹车一旦设定,就能将剪刀式升降机固定在适当位置。 Test and inspect controls and components before each use. Ensure that guardrail systems are in good working condition. Verify that brakes, once set, will hold the scissor lift in position. 剪叉升降机安全提示 Scissor Lift Safety Tips 除了 OSHA 和 ANSI 指南外,还有其他安全工作规范需要牢记。以下是一些额外的剪叉式升降机安全提示,可将其纳入您的升降机安全培训中,并确保您的工人安全。 In addition to OSHA and ANSI guidelines, there are other safe work practices to keep in mind. Here is some additional scissor lift safety tips to incorporate into your lift safety training and keep your workers safe. 选择正确类型的剪叉式升降机 Select the Correct Type of Scissor Lift 剪叉式升降机有多种类型,例如电动、越野、气动、柴油或液压。找到适合您特定工作现场的剪叉式升降机非常重要,这不仅是为了确保它能满足您的需求,也是为了保证剪叉式升降机操作员的安全。 Scissor lifts come in a variety of different types, such as electric, rough terrain, pneumatic, diesel, or hydraulic. It's important to find the right scissor lift for your specific worksite, not only to ensure it does what you need but also to keep your scissor lift operators safe. 如果您在户外工作,越野升降机可能是理想的选择。如果您在室内进行维护,电动升降机可能是您的最佳选择。 If you work outdoors, a rough terrain lift is probably ideal. If you're doing indoor maintenance, an electric lift might be your best bet. 检查制造商的负载和伸展能力 Check the Manufacturer’s Load and Reach Capacity 在操作剪叉式升降机之前,请务必查看制造商的说明,了解重量限制、负载额定值和伸展限制等详细信息。超过升降机的负载或伸展能力可能会导致其变得不稳定或翻倒。 Before operating the scissor lift, be sure to check the manufacturer's instructions for details like weight limits, load rating, and reach limits. Exceeding your lift's load or reach capacity can cause it to become unstable or tip over. 评估工作现场的环境和条件 Evaluate the Job Site's Environment and Conditions 开始工作之前,请检查工作区域的状况,看看可能会遇到哪些安全隐患。对于室外工地,这可能包括洞、坑、不平坦的地形和天气状况。对于室内工地,这可能包括头顶上的危险、颠簸或其他障碍物。 Before you begin work, examine your work area's conditions to see what safety hazards you might run into. For outdoor worksites, this could include holes, pits, uneven terrain, and weather conditions. For indoor worksites, this could include overhead hazards, bumps, or other obstructions. 剪叉升降机上需要安全带吗? Do You Need a Safety Harness on a Scissor Lift? OSHA要求您在护栏系统状况不佳或工人走下升降机时佩戴防坠落装置。 OSHA requires you to wear a fall protection device when the guardrail system is not in adequate condition or when the worker is walking off the lift. 虽然操作剪叉式升降机时并不总是需要佩戴安全带,但它是一种很好的个人防护设备 (PPE),可以在出现问题时用作额外的防坠落保护措施。 While you may not always be required to wear a safety harness while operating a scissor lift, it is a good piece of personal protective equipment (PPE) to use as a failsafe for extra fall protection in case something goes wrong. 使用剪叉式升降机需要认证吗? Do You Need a Certification to Use a Scissor Lift? OSHA 没有具体规定要求剪叉式升降机操作员必须持有执照。但是,建议只有经过培训的工人才允许使用剪叉式升降机。 OSHA has no specific regulations requiring scissor lift operators to be licensed. However, the agency says that only trained workers are permitted to use a scissor lift. 根据 OSHA 指南,雇主为员工提供全面的剪刀升降机培训,包括操作升降机的正确程序、使用剪刀升降机工作时的现场危险以及如何在剪刀升降机上处理材料。 Under OSHA guidelines, employers provide comprehensive scissor lift training to employees, including the correct procedures to operate the lift, worksite hazards when working on a scissor lift, and how to handle materials on a scissor lift. 需要购买剪叉式升降机吗? Need to Buy a Scissor Lift? 如果您已准备好开始下一个项目,那么您来对地方了。霸力机械 提供各种剪叉式升降机,可满足您所有的设备采购需求。 If you're ready to get started on your next project, you've come to the right place. With a wide variety of scissor lifts to buy, Wemet Lift has all your equipment purchase needs covered. 关注 霸力机械Wemet 了解更多产品、客户案例与市场活动